Lifting Equipment Inspection & Certification

Lasting Relationship with Quality and Ethics

Lifting equipment inspection involves a thorough examination and testing of lifting machinery and accessories to ensure they are safe and comply with regulatory standards. This process typically includes checking for signs of wear and damage, verifying the integrity of components, and ensuring proper functioning. Regular inspections help prevent accidents, maintain equipment efficiency, and ensure compliance with health and safety regulations.

Qualitech will ensure safety at your workplace while commissioning lifting equipment. Periodic safety inspections help to maintain quality assurance throughout the entire lifecycle, from product to production. Certified inspectors often carry out these inspections, providing detailed reports and recommendations for any necessary repairs or maintenance.

We offer the following services:

  • Elevator & Escalator Inspection
  • Crane Inspection
  • Man Lifts & Suspended Cradles Inspection
  • Lifting Gear Inspection
  • Lifting Equipment & Accessories Inspection
  • Offshore Basket & Container Inspection

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