Property / Home Inspection & Snagging Services

Lasting Relationship with Quality and Ethics

Property/Home inspections provide an opportunity for a buyer or tenant to identify any major issues with a home before starting or closing. A property or home inspection is important because it can be used as a contingency in your contract with the seller. If a home inspection reveals significant issues, you can back out of your contract to reconsider. The potential problems a property or home can have must be pretty serious if they could allow you to walk away from such a significant contract.

Snagging is a necessary process of identifying and reporting defects in your property. These defects can range from minor issues like electrical faults, leaks, plumbing faults, unlevelled ceilings, floors and walls, missing insulation, poor joinery, and structural issues.

Qualitech offers expert opinions on related matters upon request, enhancing the overall value proposition of your troubleshooting services. Our team can provide expert opinions demonstrating a commitment to customer service, helping you make informed decisions about your home or property.

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